New Zealand fungi and slime moulds

New Zealand fungi and slime moulds : pdfs containing photos, descriptions and comments based on specimens collected by Ann Bell and Dan Mahoney at PDD (NZ Systematics Collection Data).

The pdf links relate to fungi and slime moulds collected by Ann Bell and Dan Mahoney in New Zealand. The primary emphasis has been identification by morphological means. The pdf links began as personal records in Publisher files to document our own collections, and their personal and PDD specimen numbers.

Included are collection and descriptive details plus annotated in-situ and slide photos. Since specimens present themselves differently at different stages of maturity, season and environment, different links to the same species also offer opportunities to examine their variability. In addition, some pdfs include comments and scans related to published records of that species, or comparisons with specimens of the same species we have collected in the United States.

Many pdfs also relate to our PDD specimens from which axenic cultures were prepared. These cultures are preserved at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute in the Netherlands, Landcare New Zealand (ICMP) and elsewhere. Most of these now have ITS sequences done by Robert Debuchy in Paris and by workers at Westerdijk, available in GenBank or from Westerdijk.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2017
  1. Mahoney, Dan
  2. Bell, Ann
Maintainer Bevan Weir