Site records survey of Nettles (Urtica, Parietaria) and Admiral butterflies (Vanessa)
Data collected in repeat visits to 68 sites containing nettle species to assess nettle foliage available and the relative density of juvenile stages of Vanessa hosted. Nelson -... -
Body and forewing length of Hymenoptera from New Zealand - native, exotic, biocontrol species -
Hymenoptera of NZ identification guides
Hymenoptera of NZ identification guides -
Records of specimens where their forewings were removed, slide mounted, imaged and then deep learning CNN models developed to predict identification to genus. Includes taxonomic... -
Dataset of beetles from Kauri forest
Dataset of beetles from Kauri forest that formed the analyses for Ward DF, Young M, Booth K, Beggs J. 2014. Patterns of beetle diversity in Kauri forest. New Zealand... -
JPG images for records of insect-plant associations; a total of 5 zipped files (each ~300mb) -
Insect-Plant associations
Records and images of associations between plants (mostly NZ natives) and invertebrate feeding damage -
Introduced Parasitoid-Host Records in New Zealand
Introduced Parasitoid-Host Records in New Zealand as recorded from specimen labels in the NZAC -
Specimen records of Notogaster
Specimen records of Notogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) -
Measurements of specimens of Notogaster (Microgastrinae) -
Dataset of alpine beetles from 2012-2016 Takahe Valley, Fiordland, New Zealand -
NZ Threatened Insects
Specimen records of threatened insect species from New Zealand; records generated from the New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC) -
Threatened Species Biomass
Biomass measurements (body length) and biomass calculations for specimens of threatened insect species. Specimens from the New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC) -
First records of exotic insects
First records of exotic insects established in New Zealand -
NZAC Litter card - example 1
Example of card to score variables for the Litterbook -
NZAC Litterbook
Excel data containing location, dates and habitats of litter sampling for the NZAC. Known as the NZAC Litterbook.