Capture-recapture of ship rat (Rattus rattus) in North Island, New Zealand
This database contains spatial capture-recapture data for ship rat (Rattus rattus) and vegetation survey data at three sites in North Island, New Zealand: Orongorongo Valley... -
Long-term biodiversity trajectories for pest managed ecological restorations
Data used in meta-analyses of biodiversity responses in five regimes of pest-managed restoration in New Zealand. Includes 26 biodiversity datasets of native flora and fauna... -
Raw data for Byrom et al Assessing Movement
Data associated with paper: Assessing movements of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in relation to depopulated buffer zones for the management of wildlife tuberculosis... -
National Possum Model videos
Supplementary material associated with paper: J. D. Shepherd, S. Gillingham, T. Heuer, M. C. Barron, A. E. Byrom, R. P. Pech 2017. Multi-scale dynamic maps for the management of... -
Climate-driven consumer-resource models data
Data on summer temperature, beech seedfall and consumer (invasive house mouse) responses in the Orongorongo Valley, 1960-2010, used in predictive modelling of consumer-resource... -
Bio-economic optimisation of surveillance to confirm broadscale eradications...
Python computer code for a 2-stage bio-economic model to identify optimal cost-efficient surveillance strategies for assessing progress and ultimately declaring success of... -
Inferential and forward projection modelling to evaluate options for...
Data for analysis of stoat eradication from Resolution Island, New Zealand. Included is an Excel spreadsheet for calculating the net present value of alternative management...