Soil function and PLFA data for five land uses in the Wairau Valley, NZ

Data associated with Orwin et al. 2016, which investigates the ability of soil microbial community biomass, composition, diversity and traits to predict soil carbon and nutrient cycling under static and disturbed conditions, across a land use gradient. Data were collected as part of the [Next Generation Biodiversity Assessment (NGBA) Phase 1 project.] (

Orwin, K. H., Dickie, I. A., Wood, J. R., Bonner, K. I. and Holdaway, R. J. (2015), Soil microbial community structure explains the resistance of respiration to a dry–rewet cycle, but not soil functioning under static conditions. Functional Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12610

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Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2015
  1. Orwin, Kate H.
  2. Dickie, Ian A.
  3. Wood, Jamie R.
  4. Bonner, Karen I.
  5. Holdaway, Robert J.
Maintainer Robbie Holdaway