Field distribution data from eDNA with environmental metadata, and laboratory physiological response data, for seven non-marine species from Antarctica

All files are in .csv format. The single file "Field_distributions_and_metadata.csv" contains (for each of 249 non-marine samples from the Ross Sea Sector, continental Antarctica) distributional data for each of seven species derived from eDNA (presented as both raw numbers of reads, prefixed with "N", and as normalised and centred data). The data were generated from amplicon sequencing of three genes/regions (16S rRNA, 18S-28S ITS2, and LSU rDNA) using Illumina Miseq. The seven species are Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus (fungus, cultured strain ICMP 22545, Genbank accession MZ157018), Arthrobacter sp. P19 (heterotrophic bacterium, cultured strain ICMP 15718, Genbank accession DQ351734), Bryum pseudotriquetrum (moss, Genbank accessions MZ158301 and MZ158303), Chlorococcum sp. (green alga, cultured strain CAWG511, Genbank accession KM052785), Cladosporium cf. iridis (fungus, cultured strain ICMP 22546, Genbank accession MZ156991), Microcoleus vaginatus (cyanobacterium, cultured strain CAWBG701, Genbank accession KM052842), and Prasiola crispa (green alga, cultured strain CAWG512, Genbank accession MZ173498). For each species the number of reads are adjusted across a range of taxonomic resolutions (e.g. assuming that all reads within the genus, family, or phylum were counted rather than just the species). Two additional species are included, both nematodes with well understood habitat preferences that were used as test species to verify the method used for inference: Plectus sp. and Scottnema lindsayae.

Environmental data are also included for each sample. These are georeferences (east and south), sample type (one of soil, pond, lake or snow), bird influence (low or high, from field observations), drying (based on type of habitat), Ca_Mg (combined meq/L of both calcium and magnesium ions, measured by compleximetric titration), EC (electrical conductivity in microsiemens/cm), TMin_corr (minimum temperature inferred from Modus satellite data with a ground-truthed correction applied and limited to a minimum of -6.7 deg C), TMax_corr (maximum temperature inferred from Modus satellite data with a ground-truthed correction applied), TAv_corr (mean temperature inferred from Modus satellite data with a ground-truthed correction applied), Tq95_corr (95th percentile temperature inferred from Modus satellite data with a ground-truthed correction applied), and Tgdd_corr_zeroes (growing degree day inferred from Modus satellite data with a ground-truthed correction applied, and limited to a minimum of zero).

Laboratory response data are also included as individual files for each of the seven core species (i.e. not counting the two species of nematodes). The reponse (Pixel and Pixel_N_N0) is in scanned pixels from imaging growth plates over time, with the latter dividing the measured values by those at day 0. "Shelf" is equivalent to replicate (n=3). Experiments were carried out in a temperature-controlled incubator that cycled the temperature according to a sine wave function. The temperature parameters were Tmax (maximum temperature in deg C), GDD_d_m (growing degree days, in days/month), Salt (salinity treatment as Low, Medium, or High), Salinity (actual salinity in microsiemens/cm; note this varies for the low treatment depending whether simulated bird influence is added or not), Ca_Mg (combined meq/L calcium and magnesium ions), and Penguin (whether or not simulated bird additions - NH4-N + uric acid - were added). There were six treatments representing different combinations of levels of these predictors, and three experiments were run (each with the same six treatments of salinity, Ca_Mg, and bird influence, but with different temperature regimes).

Missing data are coded as "NA" throughout.

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Field Value
  1. Novis, Phil
  2. Monks, Adrian
  3. Hunt, John
  4. Adams, Byron
  5. Dhami, Manpreet
  6. Kim, Ji Hee
  7. Mitchell, Caroline
  8. Morgan, Fraser
  9. Hawes, Ian
  10. Aislabie, Jackie
  11. Broady, Paul
Maintainer Phil Novis