Bibliography of New Zealand Terrestrial Invertebrates 1774 - 1993 (BUGZ)

A new web site hosted by The Entomological Society of New Zealand is available at the following address

Archive of the Bibliography of New Zealand Terrestrial Invertebrates (Bugz).

BUGZ as a collaborative project involving the University of Canterbury (School of Biological Sciences ), Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research and uBio. The intent was to provide an online resource that "massively enhances the search capabilities and subsequent access to archived information on the taxonomic status, life history, ecology, and conservation significance in the primary literature on New Zealand’s terrestrial invertebrates."

This archive contains the data BUGZ initiative. The BUGZ website claims that "BUGZ contains a literature database of c. 16,080 articles on the terrestrial invertebrates of New Zealand, published between 1775 and 1993. and provides full-text indexing of the more than 200,000 pages of text scanned from the articles of the BUGS bibliography."

This data set contains the following files:

  • Data dictionary: Structure of the data presented in a dictionary format

  • Readme file: Information the data and copyright

  • About BUGZ: A PDF version of the About page from the BUGZ website. Note this contains

  • The people behind BUGZ: A PDF version of the "People behind BUGZ" page from the BUGZ website

  • TSV Data Archive: Database exported data converted into a TSV format per table

  • A searchable index of the documents that maps to the PDF collection files.

  • ZIP files containing the RTF text, PNGs, and PDFs of the documents.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2022
Maintainer Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Start Date 1993