Grassland Vegetation of Banks Peninsula as in Bernard-Verdier & Hulme 2018

Dataset used in Bernard-Verdier & Hulme, Journal of Ecology, 2018

This dataset corresponds to the vegetation and environmental data used by Bernard-Verdier & Hulme in a 2018 paper entitled "Alien plants can be associated with a decrease in local and regional native richness even when at low abundance".

Modifications from the original NVS dataset

This dataset is mostly a subset of an original vegetation survey of Banks Peninsula conducted by Hugh Wilson in 1983-1988. The original survey is part of the New Zealand National Vegetation Survey (NVS) and can be accessed in full at the following link:

The original dataset was first modified and corrected by Federico Tomasetto (Tomasetto, F., Duncan, R.P. & Hulme, P.E. 2013. Environmental gradients shift the direction of the relationship between native and alien plant species richness. Diversity and Distributions 19: 49–59.).

For this paper, modifications include:

  • Plant taxonomy corrections

  • Additional land use information

  • Additional Native/Alien status

  • Selection of a subset of 594 plots of unimproved grassland plots

Data structure

  • vegetation_survey.csv : vegetation survey, subsetted for 594 plots of unimproved grasslands, with corrected species names and additional information on native/alien status of species in New Zealand

  • envir_variables.csv : environmental variables for each of the 594 plots, as used in the statistical models of the paper. These data were mostly extracted from the original dataset by Federico Tomasetto (Tomasetto et al. 2013). Landuse types were added based on the 1990 New Zeland land use map accessible at the following link:

  • nomenclature.csv : table of correspondance between original species names and corrected species names

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2018
  1. Bernard-Verdier, Maud
  2. Hulme, Philip E.
Maintainer Bernard-Verdier, Maud
Start Date 1983
End Date 1988