Naturally regenerating vs. planted manuka forest restoration
Data and code relating to the paper: Do forest restoration strategies impact ecosystem functions and trajectory? – a case-study in Aotearoa – New Zealand. Specifically, multi-... -
Honeybee impacts on insect communities
Data and code relating to the paper: Assessing the impact of honeybees on invertebrate communities in mānuka shrublands in New Zealand , by Corinne H. Watts, Carina Davis,... -
Mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata
Fungal ITS and 18S metabarcoding data associated with Lophomyrtus bullata, and associated code used to process and analyse the data. This relates to the paper The mycorrhizal... -
Ashley Dene lysimeter experiment 1
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from an experiment to investigate temporal effects of labile carbon inputs on bacterial and fungal biodiversity in urine...