Post-fire succession in Arthur's Pass
These data were compiled and published in Burge et al (2020) that describes vegetation succession over time in Arthur's Pass, New Zealand. The data include relative frequency... -
Data associated with the Burge et al 2020 manuscript published in Freshwater Biology. Please cite this dataset and the publication if it is being used. It includes data on plant... -
CenW growth and ecosystem gas exchange model
CenW is a generic growth and ecosystem gas exchange model that simulates photosynthetic carbon gain, water use and nitrogen cycling through plants and soil organic matter. The... -
NZGBS 2018 | Species maps for regions
Individual maps for each species in each region showing percent change in garden bird counts for two periods: last 10 years (2008-18) and last 5 years (2013-18). Maps show... -
PyCrown - Fast raster-based individual tree segmentation for LiDAR data Author: Dr Jan Zörner (zoernerj@landcareresearch.co.nz) Published under GNU GPLv3 The most recent... -
Data - Biases in the metabarcoding of plant pathogens
We investigated and analysed the causes of differences between next-generation sequencing metabarcoding approaches and traditional DNA cloning in the detection and... -
Hemeroby results NZ (1996 and 2012) at three spatial scales
Dataset used to explore the effectiveness of the hemeroby index as an environmental indicator for assessing the degree and trends of landscape change. Dataset covers hemeroby... -
Monks et al 2016 New Phytologist simulated seeding for model comparision
Maintained by Adrian Monks Landcare Research, New Zealand. monksa@landcareresearch.co.nz Background These data consist of a series of simulated seedfall datasets used in Monks,... -
Allometric power laws in NZ mountain beech forests
Using above-ground biomass to measure the biomass of individual trees, we tested three power laws (Taylor's law; density-mass allometry; and variance-mass allometry) using 10... -
Spatial Patterns of Endemism in the New Zealand Vascular Flora
This data set provides a spatial output from the Biodiverse analysis of NZ vascular flora undertaken and described by Millar Timothy R., Heenan Peter B., Wilton Aaron D.,...