Soil Climate Research Station Data

Antarctic soil climate data collected from 9 stations and 2 boreholes located in the McMurdo Sound region of Antarctica.

The climate stations were established starting in 1999 through 2011. Four of the stations are in the Dry Valleys and four are located along the coast. The ninth station is located on Mt. Fleming near the polar plateau. Each climate station measures atmospheric parameters (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and solar radiation) and soil parameters (soil moisture and temperature) that extend from the active layer (seasonally thawed layer) into the permafrost. Recorded measurements are made on an hourly basis. At each climate station the soils have been sampled and characterized at the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory.

For each of the 11 locations, archived raw data, collated and illustrated data (MS Excel), and metadata (site photos, soil descriptions, etc.) are available.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Publication Year 2024
  1. Balks, Megan
  2. Aislabie, Jackie
  3. O'Neill, Tanya
  4. Seybold, Cathie
Maintainer Caspari, Thomas
Start Date 1999-01