Skink Capture Data

Skink capture data: spatially explicit capture-recapture of skinks in pitfall traps, and counts of skinks found in artificial retreats.

Data supporting paper Wilson DJ, Mulvey RL, Clarke DA, Reardon JT 2017. Assessing and comparing population densities and indices of skinks under three predator management regimes. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 41(1).

Some data (skink counts in artificial retreats) are included from Wilson DJ, Mulvey RL, Clark RD 2007. Sampling skinks and geckos in artificial cover objects in a dry mixed grassland-shrubland with mammalian predator control. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 31: 169-185.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2017
  1. Wilson, Deborah J.
  2. Mulvey, Robin L.
  3. Clarke, Dean A.
  4. Reardon, James T.
Maintainer Deb Wilson
Start Date 2009-03-22
End Date 2009-03-26
Version 1
Licenses CC-BY 3.0 NZ (Attribution)