LUCAS natural forest plot-level biomass and ecosystem driver data

Plot-level biomass and ecosystem driver data as used in the following analysis:

Holdaway RJ, Easdale T, Carswell FE, Richardson SJ, Peltzer DA, Mason NWH, Brandon A, Coomes DA. Nationally representative plot network reveals contrasting drivers of net biomass change in secondary and old-growth forests. Ecosystems (2017) 20: 944.

(also see related dataset "Species wood density data")

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2016
  1. Holdaway, Robert J.
  2. Easdale, Tomás
  3. Carswell, Fiona
  4. Richardson, Sarah J.
  5. Peltzer, Duane
  6. Mason, Norman W.H.
  7. Brandon, Andrea
  8. Coomes, David A.
Maintainer Robert Holdaway