NZGBS 2018 | Barplots | Urban Rural

Changes in NZ Garden Bird counts for 14 common garden birds for urban rural areas for the last 10 years (2008 to 2018) and last 5 years (2013 to 2018). Barplots are only provided for locations where there were at least 20 garden records available for the 5-year period. Spatial boundaries are defined by the Statistics NZ 2018 high definition meshblock spatial layer.

Citation: MacLeod CJ, Howard S, Gormley AM, Spurr EB. 2019. State of NZ Garden Birds 2018 | Te Ahua o nga Manu o te Ka i Aotearoa. Manaaki Wheuna - Landcare Research, Lincoln. ISBN 978-0-947525-63-7.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2019
  1. MacLeod, Catriona J.
  2. Howard, Simon
  3. Gormley, Andrew M
  4. Spurr, Eric B
Maintainer Catriona MacLeod
Start Date 2008
End Date 2018