Expert scores for biodiversity benefits of NZ farm actions

The New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard project aims to deliver a proof-of-concept for an online biodiversity assessment tool for New Zealand (NZ) farms by July 2018. We engaged a panel of specialists to assess the farm management actions prioritised by stakeholders for inclusion in the prototype tool for their expected effectiveness in enhancing overall biodiversity and the stakeholder-prioritised ecological biodiversity groups. Here we provide access to the results of our specialist judgement and evidence evaluation assessments.

For more information see the following publications:

MacLeod CJ, Brandt AJ, Dicks LV (in press) Facilitating the wise use of experts and evidence to inform local environmental decisions. People and Nature

Brandt AJ, MacLeod CJ, Dicks LV, Shackelford G. (2018). Effectiveness of farm management actions for enhancing NZ biodiversity: Evidence evaluation assessment. NZ Sustainability Dashboard Research Report 18/07. Published by ARGOS.

Brandt AJ, MacLeod CJ, Dicks LV, Shackelford G. (2018). Effectiveness of farm management actions for enhancing NZ biodiversity: Specialist judgement assessment. NZ Sustainability Dashboard Research Report 18/06. Published by ARGOS.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2022
  1. Brandt, Angela J.
  2. MacLeod, Catriona J.
  3. Dicks, Lynn V.
Maintainer Catriona MacLeod
Start Date 2018