Lachnaceae in New Zealand - Aotearoa
A brief informal outline of the diversity of Lachnaceae (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales) known for New Zealand, based on PDD and ICMP specimens with DNA sequences. The phylogenetic... -
Annulohypoxylon in Aotearoa New Zealand
These notes are based on PDD specimens and ICMP cultures of Annulohypoxylon from which DNA sequences are available. These specimens represent five species of Annulohypoxylon,... -
Helotiales on Elaeocarpus leaves
Summary of the species of Helotiales (Leotiomycetes, the inoperculate discomycetes) found on Elaeocarpus leaves in New Zealand, together with an identification key, brief... -
New Rhizodiscina and saprobic Sclerococcum species from Aotearoa New Zealand
Descriptions of a set of Rhizodiscina and Sclerococcum spp. formally named in Index Fungorum no. 519, 2022... -
Hyphodiscaceae in Aotearoa New Zealand
ITS gene tree showing diversity of unnamed Leotiomycetes species within Hyphodiscaeae in New Zealand -
Chlorosplenium in New Zealand and Australia
Descriptive note on three unnamed Chlorosplenium species, two from New Zealand and one from Australia.