Lachnaceae in New Zealand - Aotearoa
A brief informal outline of the diversity of Lachnaceae (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales) known for New Zealand, based on PDD and ICMP specimens with DNA sequences. The phylogenetic... -
New Zealand fungi and slime moulds
New Zealand fungi and slime moulds : pdfs containing photos, descriptions and comments based on specimens collected by Ann Bell and Dan Mahoney at PDD (NZ Systematics Collection... -
Annulohypoxylon in Aotearoa New Zealand
These notes are based on PDD specimens and ICMP cultures of Annulohypoxylon from which DNA sequences are available. These specimens represent five species of Annulohypoxylon,... -
Helotiales on Elaeocarpus leaves
Summary of the species of Helotiales (Leotiomycetes, the inoperculate discomycetes) found on Elaeocarpus leaves in New Zealand, together with an identification key, brief... -
Pseudopithomyces fungi and facial eczema
This dataset is a collection of supplementary data associated with a forthcoming publication on the Pseudopithomyces fungi associated with the disease facial eczema -
Mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata
Fungal ITS and 18S metabarcoding data associated with Lophomyrtus bullata, and associated code used to process and analyse the data. This relates to the paper The mycorrhizal... -
Ramana_et_al_Metabarcoding_sequence_data_of_AMF_from_plant roots
Raw metabarcoding sequencing data from Ramana et al. Root diameter, host specificity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition among native and exotic plant... -
Leotiomycetes phylogeny updated October 2022
This unpublished phylogeny is based on the same set of genes used by Johnston et al. (2019) and uses the same methods. The 2019 dataset has been expanded to include additional... -
Ashley Dene lysimeter experiment 1
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from an experiment to investigate temporal effects of labile carbon inputs on bacterial and fungal biodiversity in urine... -
Ashley Dene deep soil cores
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from Ashley Dene deep soil cores analysis project, relating to the manuscript: Depth-structuring of multi-kingdom soil... -
Hyphodiscaceae DNA data, Quijada et al. 2022
Data for the analysis presented as Figs 1 and 2 in the paper Quijada et al. "A review of Hyphodiscaceae". The data provided includes the concatenated alignments, the partitions... -
New Rhizodiscina and saprobic Sclerococcum species from Aotearoa New Zealand
Descriptions of a set of Rhizodiscina and Sclerococcum spp. formally named in Index Fungorum no. 519, 2022... -
Calloriaceae sensu Baral in Jaklitsch 2019
Some notes of Calloriaceae sensu Baral (in Jaklitsch et al., 2019, Syllabus of Plant families, Ascomycota) -
Hyphodiscaceae in Aotearoa New Zealand
ITS gene tree showing diversity of unnamed Leotiomycetes species within Hyphodiscaeae in New Zealand -
Thelebolales DNA data, Quijada et al. 20xx
Data for the analysis presented in Fig 1 in the paper Quijada et al. 20xx, "Apothecial ancestry, evolution, and re-evolution in Thelebolales (Leotiomycetes, Fungi)" The data... -
Hymenotorrendiella clelandii and related species - Suppl. Data
Supplementary data from the paper Johnston PR, Park D [in press]. Hymenotorrendiella clelandii (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales, Helotiaceae) and related species from Australia and... -
Erioscyphella in New Zealand
Phylogenies and summary of diversity of Erioscyphella (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales, Lachnaceae) in New Zealand -
Sarcosoma orientale in New Zealand
A phylogeny based on ITS and LSU sequences suggests a New Zealand specimen morphologically typical of Sarcosoma orientale is phylogenetically distinct from the types of the... -
Austropezia in Pezizellaceae s.l.
Phylogeny showing Austropezia and related unnamed species from New Zealand belong in Han et al. (2014) Clade 3, part of Pezizellaceae sensu lato. -
Chlorovibrissea sensu Sandoval-Leiva et al. 2014 is polyphyletic
Some notes and an ITS-based phylogeny that includes recently available sequences suggesting Chlorovibrissea sensu Sandoval-Leiva et al. 2014 is polyphyletic.