Orongorongo Valley ship rat captures in cage traps 2003-2004
Spatially-explicit capture-recapture data of ship rats in the Orongorongo Valley, on three 5-day capture sessions, at six locations in 2003 and three locations in 2004. These... -
Supplementary data for publication: First Report of Ralstonia...
Additional information on the strains and sequences used in this study: Ireland KB, Weir BS, Cother EJ, Phantavong S, Phitsanoukane P, Vongvichid K, Vongphachanh PP, Songvilay... -
Novel yeasts from New Zealand forests
Supplementary data for a three papers describing three new yeasts from New Zealand forests -
Maungatautari house mouse trapping and tracking data
Spatially-explicit capture-recapture data and ink footprint tracking tunnel data of house mice at Maungatautari Ecological Island, in two blocks with and without mouse... -
Borland alpine house mouse data
House mouse capture-recapture data in alpine snow tussock habitat and high-elevation beech forest, and corresponding data of mouse stomach contents, snow tussock flowering and... -
Drylands Birds Data
Data from distance sampling of birds at three dryland locations in the South Island, New Zealand. Supports two published papers: Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Walker S 2014. How does... -
Skink Capture Data
Skink capture data: spatially explicit capture-recapture of skinks in pitfall traps, and counts of skinks found in artificial retreats. Data supporting paper Wilson DJ, Mulvey... -
Kiore (Rattus exulans) captures on Slipper Island
Data of kiore captures in five locations on Slipper Island, New Zealand in 2017. Supports the paper Ricardo H, Wilson DJ, Wehi PM 2020. Kiore (Rattus exulans) distribution and... -
Data associated with Invasive urban mammalian predators: distribution and...
Invasive mammalian predator detection data in urban habitats, supporting the paper "Miller, K.F.; Wilson, D.J.; Innes, J. G.; Fitzgerald, N.B., Miller, P.; van Heezik, Y. 2022.... -
Data - N fixing invader effects on litter decomposition
Data for paper: Invasive N-fixer Impacts on Litter Decomposition Driven by Changes to Soil Properties Not Litter Quality. Broadbent, A.A.D., Orwin, K.H., Peltzer, D.A. et al.... -
Long-term biodiversity trajectories for pest managed ecological restorations
Data used in meta-analyses of biodiversity responses in five regimes of pest-managed restoration in New Zealand. Includes 26 biodiversity datasets of native flora and fauna... -
Hedgehog functional response
Functional response and effects of vegetation structural complexity on predation rates. Data associated with paper Low structural complexity of non-native grassland habitat... -
Hemeroby results NZ (1996 and 2012) at three spatial scales
Dataset used to explore the effectiveness of the hemeroby index as an environmental indicator for assessing the degree and trends of landscape change. Dataset covers hemeroby... -
Indigenous shrub regeneration through Scotch broom
Data associated with Burrows et al. 2015. which describes a field experiment assessing the effect of common broom management practices on the germination, growth and survival of... -
NZ dryland soil and moisture pot experiment
Raw data from a pot experiment assessing the effect of soil moisture and soil nutrients on the growth of indigenous and exotic woody species common in New Zealand drylands.... -
New Zealand Bark Thickness 2015
We measured the bark thickness of 82 New Zealand tree species and tested whether variation in bark thickness was related to variation in other plant traits and whether... -
Hopkins Huxley seedling growth data
We used a factorial experiment to test whether the influence of deer browse on seedling performance was greater in canopy gaps, relative to undisturbed forest. The experiment... -
Soil function and PLFA data for five land uses in the Wairau Valley, NZ
Data associated with Orwin et al. 2016, which investigates the ability of soil microbial community biomass, composition, diversity and traits to predict soil carbon and nutrient... -
Small mammal chewcard and trap catch indices pre and post ground-based toxic baiting
Data associated with paper: Morgan D, Warburton B, Nugent G 2015. Aerial prefeeding followed by ground based toxic baiting for more efficient and acceptable poisoning of...