Data for A History of Open Temperature and Rainfall with Uncertainty in New...
Data for A History of Open Temperature and Rainfall with Uncertainty in New Zealand (HOTRUNZ): an open access 1 km resolution monthly 1910-2019 time-series of interpolated... -
Cost-effectiveness Robinson Crusoe Island
Data and computer scripts associated with the report "Cost-effectiveness analysis of conservation fencing options on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile" -
Supplementary data for publication: First Report of Ralstonia...
Additional information on the strains and sequences used in this study: Ireland KB, Weir BS, Cother EJ, Phantavong S, Phitsanoukane P, Vongvichid K, Vongphachanh PP, Songvilay... -
Novel yeasts from New Zealand forests
Supplementary data for a three papers describing three new yeasts from New Zealand forests -
Data - N fixing invader effects on litter decomposition
Data for paper: Invasive N-fixer Impacts on Litter Decomposition Driven by Changes to Soil Properties Not Litter Quality. Broadbent, A.A.D., Orwin, K.H., Peltzer, D.A. et al.... -
Alignment of ordinal and quantitative species abundance and size indices
Alignment of ordinal and quantitative species abundance and size indices for the detection of shifting baseline syndrome Data associated with the publication Lyver, P.O'B.... -
Rodent review datasets
This dataset contains the databases (csv format) on the population and spatial ecology of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), and house mice (Mus... -
Thelebolales DNA data, Quijada et al. 20xx
Data for the analysis presented in Fig 1 in the paper Quijada et al. 20xx, "Apothecial ancestry, evolution, and re-evolution in Thelebolales (Leotiomycetes, Fungi)" The data... -
Confirming the broadscale eradication success of nutria
Supplemental material for manuscript in review at Biological Invasions ("Confirming the broadscale eradication success of nutria (Myocastor coypus) from the Delmarva Peninsula,... -
Gravel Beach Plant Community Structure
These data support the following publication: Arnst, E. et al. 2021. Resource competition, not facilitation, structures gravel beach plant communities. Journal of Vegetation... -
Black swan egg harvest experiment data
Data on black swan egg-laying rates, egg hatching probability, and overall nest hatching success associated with different customary egg harvest regimes implemented at Te... -
Tricladiaceae fam. nov. (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes)
Alignments for each of the genes used in the multigene phylogeny (Fig 1) and the ITS phylogeny (Fig 2) in paper published in Fungal Systematics and Evolution 6: 233-242, 2020.... -
Puccinia otagensis
Species of rust, accession number, and GenBank numbers of taxa included in the analyses. -
Solar radiation and site occupancy of introduced deer in New Zealand
Data supporting PLOS ONE paper: Allen RB, Forsyth DM, Allen RKJ, Affeld K, MacKenzie DI (2015) Solar Radiation Determines Site Occupancy of Coexisting Tropical and Temperate... -
A Switch in Keystone Seed-Dispersing Ant Genera between Two Elevations for a...
Data from paper in PLoS ONE: Thomson FJ, Auld TD, Ramp D, Kingsford RT. A Switch in Keystone Seed-Dispersing Ant Genera between Two Elevations for a Myrmecochorous Plant, Acacia... -
Multimodal size distributions in spatially-structured populations
Data supporting the paper: Asymmetric competition causes multimodal size distributions in spatially structured populations. Jorge Velázquez, Robert B. Allen, David A. Coomes,... -
Possum network adjacency matrices
The adjacency matrices for the possum contact networks at four sites (A, B, C, D) in the Orongorongo valley, New Zealand. Social contact network data associated with James et al... -
Next Generation Biodiversity Assessment Phase I
Bioinformatic pipeline, analysis and DNA dataset relating to the publication: Wood, J. R., R. J. Holdaway, K. H. Orwin, C. Morse, K. I. Bonner, C. Davis, N. Bolstridge, and I.... -
Rowi virus sequence
The virus was found from a collaboration between Landcare Research (Dan White, Dan Tompkins), ESR (Richard Hall), DOC (Kate McInnes) and Massey University (Brett Gartrell). Some...