Supplementary data for publication: First Report of Ralstonia...
Additional information on the strains and sequences used in this study: Ireland KB, Weir BS, Cother EJ, Phantavong S, Phitsanoukane P, Vongvichid K, Vongphachanh PP, Songvilay... -
Novel yeasts from New Zealand forests
Supplementary data for a three papers describing three new yeasts from New Zealand forests -
Ashley Dene lysimeter experiment 1
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from an experiment to investigate temporal effects of labile carbon inputs on bacterial and fungal biodiversity in urine... -
Data - N fixing invader effects on litter decomposition
Data for paper: Invasive N-fixer Impacts on Litter Decomposition Driven by Changes to Soil Properties Not Litter Quality. Broadbent, A.A.D., Orwin, K.H., Peltzer, D.A. et al.... -
Puccinia otagensis
Species of rust, accession number, and GenBank numbers of taxa included in the analyses. -
Indices of possum abundance and browse at forest sites in New Zealand
Data associated with paper: Holland, E. P., Gormley, A. M. and Pech, R. P. (2016), Species- and site-specific impacts of an invasive herbivore on tree survival in mixed forests.... -
A Switch in Keystone Seed-Dispersing Ant Genera between Two Elevations for a...
Data from paper in PLoS ONE: Thomson FJ, Auld TD, Ramp D, Kingsford RT. A Switch in Keystone Seed-Dispersing Ant Genera between Two Elevations for a Myrmecochorous Plant, Acacia...