Kiore (Rattus exulans) captures on Slipper Island
Data of kiore captures in five locations on Slipper Island, New Zealand in 2017. Supports the paper Ricardo H, Wilson DJ, Wehi PM 2020. Kiore (Rattus exulans) distribution and... -
Bibliography of New Zealand Terrestrial Invertebrates 1774 - 1993 (BUGZ)
A new web site hosted by The Entomological Society of New Zealand is available at the following address https://bugz.ento.org.nz Archive of the Bibliography of New Zealand... -
Hemeroby results NZ (1996 and 2012) at three spatial scales
Dataset used to explore the effectiveness of the hemeroby index as an environmental indicator for assessing the degree and trends of landscape change. Dataset covers hemeroby... -
NZ dryland soil and moisture pot experiment
Raw data from a pot experiment assessing the effect of soil moisture and soil nutrients on the growth of indigenous and exotic woody species common in New Zealand drylands.... -
Short-term possum foraging movements
Data supporting the article in PLoS ONE: Yockney IJ, Latham MC, Rouco C, Cross ML, Nugent G (2015) Quantifying Short-Term Foraging Movements in a Marsupial Pest to Improve...