Cost-effectiveness Robinson Crusoe Island
Data and computer scripts associated with the report "Cost-effectiveness analysis of conservation fencing options on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile" -
Mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata
Fungal ITS and 18S metabarcoding data associated with Lophomyrtus bullata, and associated code used to process and analyse the data. This relates to the paper The mycorrhizal... -
Land use impacts on soil invertebrate biodiversity
Soil invertebrates COI DNA metabarcoding data, analysis code, and outputs, relating to the paper Andrew Dopheide, Andreas Makiola, Kate H. Orwin, Robert J. Holdaway, Jamie R.... -
Ashley Dene lysimeter experiment 1
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from an experiment to investigate temporal effects of labile carbon inputs on bacterial and fungal biodiversity in urine... -
Computational reproducibility within the New Zealand Journal of Ecology
R code to reproduce the figures used in: Etherington TR, Brock JMP, Perry GLW, Wyse SV (2021) Implementing the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines for data and... -
Black swan egg harvest experiment data
Data on black swan egg-laying rates, egg hatching probability, and overall nest hatching success associated with different customary egg harvest regimes implemented at Te... -
Climatic limits of temperate rainforest tree species
This project contains the data files and R script supporting the paper: Laughlin DC, Delzon S, Clearwater MJ, Bellingham PJ, McGlone MS, Richardson SJ 2020. Climatic limits of... -
Optimising survey effort to monitor environmental variables
A new statistical power analysis R package simr informs environmental monitoring design within New Zealand's main kiwifruit growing region (Bay of Plenty). The pilot data for 13... -
Indices of possum abundance and browse at forest sites in New Zealand
Data associated with paper: Holland, E. P., Gormley, A. M. and Pech, R. P. (2016), Species- and site-specific impacts of an invasive herbivore on tree survival in mixed forests.... -
Multiple capture trap data
Data and spatial model for assessing effectiveness of using multiple and single capture traps. The data support an article in PLoS ONE: Warburton, B., & Gormley, A. M....