NZGBS 2023 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2013-23) and 5 years (2018-23) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2022 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2012-22) and 5 years (2017-22) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2020 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2010-20) and 5 years (2015-20) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2021 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2011-21) and 5 years (2016-21) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
Biodiversity tool simulations
ata simulations (and R-code) used to show how an evidence-based tool, designed for biodiversity assessments within New Zealand farm businesses, can be applied to: (1) explore... -
Stakeholder feedback on farm biodiversity tool
This dataset supports a journal article evaluating New Zealand stakeholder perspectives on: (a) sharing farm biodiversity data; (b) behavioural factors likely to influence... -
NZGBS 2017 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the 10 years (2007-18) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), urban-rural (U) and area unit (A) as defined by... -
NZGBS 2019 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the last 10 years (2009-19) and 5 years (2014-19) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2018 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the last 10 years (2008-18) and 5 years (2013-18) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
Survey data for NZ farmland biodiversity priorities
These data were derived as part of a case-study, which aimed to give a broad range of stakeholders involved in managing New Zealands agricultural landscape a voice in setting... -
Ecological requirements of NZ birds
Resource requirements (feeding and nesting) for selected New Zealand bird species and the spatial availability of these resources based on New Zealand LCDB3 cover classes -
Optimising survey effort to monitor environmental variables
A new statistical power analysis R package simr informs environmental monitoring design within New Zealand's main kiwifruit growing region (Bay of Plenty). The pilot data for 13... -
NZ Garden Bird Survey | Logo development
Process used to select a logo for the NZ Garden Bird Survey. The NZGBS community was invited to vote and comment on eight candidate logo concepts. This work was undertaken as... -
NZGBS results | engagement 2014-19
Public and citizen scientist engagement with NZGBS results for the period 2014 to 2019 via the NZGBS webpages, emails, social media or peer review surveys. These data provide...