NZGBS 2023 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2013-23) and 5 years (2018-23) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2022 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2012-22) and 5 years (2017-22) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2020 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2010-20) and 5 years (2015-20) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2021 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the past 10 years (2011-21) and 5 years (2016-21) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
Biodiversity tool simulations
ata simulations (and R-code) used to show how an evidence-based tool, designed for biodiversity assessments within New Zealand farm businesses, can be applied to: (1) explore... -
NZGBS 2019 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the last 10 years (2009-19) and 5 years (2014-19) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
NZGBS 2018 | Trend estimates
Percent change in counts for 14 garden bird counts for the last 10 years (2008-18) and 5 years (2013-18) at four spatial scales: national, regional (R), territorial authority... -
Introduced Parasitoid-Host Records in New Zealand
Introduced Parasitoid-Host Records in New Zealand as recorded from specimen labels in the NZAC -
Short-term possum foraging movements
Data supporting the article in PLoS ONE: Yockney IJ, Latham MC, Rouco C, Cross ML, Nugent G (2015) Quantifying Short-Term Foraging Movements in a Marsupial Pest to Improve...