Primary data, secondary data, DNA sequences and R code for manuscript under review at New Phytologist -
Can a mate-finding Allee effect be elicited to help eradicate invasive mammals?
Supporting material for manuscript submitted to "Journal of Applied Ecology", entitled, "Can a mate-finding Allee effect be elicited to help eradicate invasive mammals?" -
Data from: A functional assessment of community vulnerability to the loss of...
Data to support the publication: McCarthy J. K., Richardson S. J., Jo I., Wiser S. K., Easdale, T. A., Shepherd J. D., & Bellingham P. J. 2024. A functional assessment of... -
Tree contributions to climate change adaptation through reduced cattle heat...
Supporting data and code for the publication "Tree contributions to climate change adaptation through reduced cattle heat stress and benefits to milk and beef production".... -
Diverse contributions of nature to climate change adaptation in an upland landscape
Land cover maps representing hypothetical future scenarios for Mackenzie District. Scenarios were generated programmatically as part of a simulation study, and do not represent... -
Ramana_et_al_Metabarcoding_sequence_data_of_AMF_from_plant roots
Raw metabarcoding sequencing data from Ramana et al. Root diameter, host specificity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition among native and exotic plant... -
Home range use and habitat selection of Auckland Island Pigs
Data and Python scripts for analysis for the NZJE paper: "Analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of home range use and habitat selection to inform an eradication strategy for feral... -
Biodiversity tool simulations
ata simulations (and R-code) used to show how an evidence-based tool, designed for biodiversity assessments within New Zealand farm businesses, can be applied to: (1) explore... -
Waitutu SORTIE-NZ 2001-2008
Data supporting Forsyth DM, Wilson DJ, Easdale TA, Kunstler G, Canham CD, Ruscoe WA, Wright EF, Murphy L, Gormley AM, Gaxiola A, Coomes DA. Century-scale effects of invasive... -
Soil physical properties
Subset of samples used to develop the intergranular mixing particle size distribution model (IMP model). The model is able to derive the soil water retention curve using... -
NZ naturalised flora distribution 2019
Occurrence of naturalised plant species within each of New Zealand's 16 mainland political regions according to records in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility... -
Makiola et al DNA metabarcoding sequence data
Raw DNA metabarcoding sequence files from Makiola et al.Land use is a determinant of plant pathogen alpha- but not beta-diversity. Mol Ecol. 2019; 28: 3786– 3798.... -
Data - Biases in the metabarcoding of plant pathogens
We investigated and analysed the causes of differences between next-generation sequencing metabarcoding approaches and traditional DNA cloning in the detection and... -
Allometric power laws in NZ mountain beech forests
Using above-ground biomass to measure the biomass of individual trees, we tested three power laws (Taylor's law; density-mass allometry; and variance-mass allometry) using 10...