Effects of Phytophthora agathidicida on kauri (Agathis australis) phyllosphere
Bacterial 16S and fungal ITS metabarcoding data from kauri (Agathis australis) phyllosphere samples, for investigating effects of the soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora... -
Effects of Phosphite on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Colonisation in Kauri...
DNA metabarcoding data targeting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from kauri (Agathis australis) root samples, for investigating the effects of phosphite treatment on AMF... -
Dating analyses for Phormium divergences
Data associated with the paper: Plastid genome sequences are consistent with introduction of Phormium tenax to Norfolk Island and Chatham Islands by early East Polynesian... -
Partial plastid genome sequence of Logania depressa
Contains Illumina sequence reads, assembled sequences as a Geneious file with their consensus sequence, and a nexus file with parts of the rps16 gene, petD gene and petB-petD... -
Mycorrhizal communities of Lophomyrtus bullata
Fungal ITS and 18S metabarcoding data associated with Lophomyrtus bullata, and associated code used to process and analyse the data. This relates to the paper The mycorrhizal... -
Land use impacts on soil invertebrate biodiversity
Soil invertebrates COI DNA metabarcoding data, analysis code, and outputs, relating to the paper Andrew Dopheide, Andreas Makiola, Kate H. Orwin, Robert J. Holdaway, Jamie R.... -
Leotiomycetes phylogeny updated October 2022
This unpublished phylogeny is based on the same set of genes used by Johnston et al. (2019) and uses the same methods. The 2019 dataset has been expanded to include additional... -
Revised extent of wetlands in New Zealand
Dataset described in Dymond, J. R., Sabetizade, M., Newsome, P. F., Harmsworth, G. R., & Ausseil, A. G. (2021). Revised extent of wetlands in New Zealand. New Zealand... -
MiSeq barcoding of 450 invertebrates data
Demultiplexed Illumina sequence data (COI) from 450 invertebrate specimens, related to the paper Fast-tracking bespoke DNA reference database generation from museum collections... -
Ashley Dene lysimeter experiment 1
Processed DNA metabarcoding data and analysis code from an experiment to investigate temporal effects of labile carbon inputs on bacterial and fungal biodiversity in urine... -
Erioscyphella in New Zealand
Phylogenies and summary of diversity of Erioscyphella (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales, Lachnaceae) in New Zealand -
Insect-Plant associations
Records and images of associations between plants (mostly NZ natives) and invertebrate feeding damage -
Banks Peninsula altitudinal gradient - Soil forming factors
Raw soil data, R scripts and model outputs as part of Eger, A., Koele, N., Caspari, T., Poggio, M., Kumar, K., & Burge, O. R. (2021). Quantifying the Importance of Soil... -
Specimen records of Notogaster
Specimen records of Notogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) -
Measurements of specimens of Notogaster (Microgastrinae) -
18S DNA metabarcoding of Atacama rodent middens
Unassembled .fastq files of paired-end reads used in: Wood et al. (2018) Plant pathogen responses to Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in central Atacama Desert,...