Wetland biomass and carbon
Compiled and standardised carbon and biomass data associated with vegetated wetlands for LUCAS MFE project 2022, collected as part of a literature review. These data form... -
Native and non-native plant richness and cover per indigenous forest types 2009-14
Tables supporting the analysis in manuscript named: Low richness of non-native plants in New Zealand indigenous forests may not reflect low impact. The table was generated by... -
Shrubland Fragments - vegetation data
The dataset for the paper: Adjacent land-use intensification facilitates plant invasions into indigenous shrubland fragments. This dataset includes vegetation and soils data for... -
Upper Taiari Scroll Plain - Wetland Vegetation Survey 2023
Data from the wetland vegetation survey of the Upper Taiari Scroll Plain. This vegetation survey was carried out for the Otago Regional Council to gain a fuller picture of the... -
Manuka-Kanuka shrublands vegetation survey with associated climate and...
Tables supporting the analysis in: Rossignaud, L., & Hulme, P. E. (2023). Native vegetation structure, landscape features and climate shape non-native plant richness and... -
Capture-recapture of ship rat (Rattus rattus) in North Island, New Zealand
This database contains spatial capture-recapture data for ship rat (Rattus rattus) and vegetation survey data at three sites in North Island, New Zealand: Orongorongo Valley... -
Forest vegetation survey and adjacent land cover across spatial scales 2002-2007
Tables supporting the analysis in: Rossignaud, L., Kimberley, M. O., Kelly, D., Fei, S., Brockerhoff, E. G. (2022). Effects of competition and habitat heterogeneity on native-... -
Gravel Beach Plant Community Structure
These data support the following publication: Arnst, E. et al. 2021. Resource competition, not facilitation, structures gravel beach plant communities. Journal of Vegetation... -
DOC Tier 1 data for EBV paper
Material to support: Bellingham PJ, Richardson SJ, Gormley AM, Allen RB, Cook A, Crisp PN, Forsyth DM, McGlone MS, McKay M, MacLeod CJ, van Dam-Bates P, Wright EF 2020... -
Graphics | Garden | Vegetation | Crop
Graphics for different types of gardens, vegetation and crops. Illustrations were produced by C. Mary Brake from Reflection Graphics as part of the 'Building Trustworthy... -
Post-fire succession in Arthur's Pass
These data were compiled and published in Burge et al (2020) that describes vegetation succession over time in Arthur's Pass, New Zealand. The data include relative frequency... -
New Zealand Forest Plot data in Global Forest Biodiversity dataset
Summarised data from two consecutive forest inventories of permanent sample plots located throughout New Zealand. These data are part of the Global Forest Biodiversity dataset...