New Zealand Tussock Grassland Moths (1961-2000)
ARCHIVED DATABASE OF E.G. WHITE MOTH STUDIES WAIMAKARIRI BASIN (1961-1963, 1987-1989) AND MACKENZIE BASIN (1991-1996, 1998-2000) The tussock grassland database for 43 Canterbury... -
CHELSA NZ growing season
Please see https://github.com/manaakiwhenua/chelsa-growing-season for documentation -
Lachnaceae in New Zealand - Aotearoa
A brief informal outline of the diversity of Lachnaceae (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales) known for New Zealand, based on PDD and ICMP specimens with DNA sequences. The phylogenetic... -
Checklist of the New Zealand flora - Vascular with NVS (2024)
Checklist of the Names in the Allan Herbarium names database for Vascular with NVS -
Checklist of the New Zealand flora - ferns and lycophytes (2024)
Checklist of the Names in the Allan Herbarium names database for ferns and lycophytes -
Checklist of the New Zealand flora - hornworts, liverworts and mosses (2024)
Checklist of the Names in the Allan Herbarium names database for hornworts, liverworts and mosses -
Checklist of the New Zealand flora - seed plants (2024)
Checklist of the Names in the Allan Herbarium names database for seed plants -
Plant Names Database Quarterly Changes August 2024
Summary data on changes to data in the Plant Names Database in the following classes: the addition of new names for formal deprecation of duplicate names changes to the status... -
Wetland mapping resources
Resources to assist Regional Councils with mapping wetlands to 0.05 hectares as required by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Please cite the individual... -
New Zealand fungi and slime moulds
New Zealand fungi and slime moulds : pdfs containing photos, descriptions and comments based on specimens collected by Ann Bell and Dan Mahoney at PDD (NZ Systematics Collection... -
Phylogeny of New Zealand ascomycetes
Miscellaneous notes based on DNA sequence data from ascomycete specimens in the New Zealand Fungarium (PDD) and the International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP) -
Annulohypoxylon in Aotearoa New Zealand
These notes are based on PDD specimens and ICMP cultures of Annulohypoxylon from which DNA sequences are available. These specimens represent five species of Annulohypoxylon,... -
Helotiales on Elaeocarpus leaves
Summary of the species of Helotiales (Leotiomycetes, the inoperculate discomycetes) found on Elaeocarpus leaves in New Zealand, together with an identification key, brief... -
State of NZ Garden Birds 2022 | Reports
Birds act as 'backyard barometers' - telling us about the health of the environment we live in. They are signalling significant changes in our environment over the past 10- and... -
State of NZ Garden Birds 2023 | Reports
Birds act as 'backyard barometers' - telling us about the health of the environment we live in. They are signalling significant changes in our environment over the past 10- and... -
Plant Names Database Quarterly Changes June 2024
Summary data on changes to data in the Plant Names Database in the following classes: the addition of new names for formal deprecation of duplicate names changes to the status... -
Leaching losses from diverse pasture
This is a dataset of lysimeter drainage and nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from 5-8 species diverse pasture across different soil types, climate, and management intensities,... -
NZFlora Beever 2024 Pottiaceae subfamily Barbuloideae
Beever, J.E. 2024: Pottiaceae subfamily Barbuloideae. In: Heenan, P.B. (ed.) Flora of New Zealand — Mosses. Fascicle 50. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln. -
Plant Names Database Quarterly Changes March 2024
Summary data on changes to data in the Plant Names Database in the following classes: the addition of new names for formal deprecation of duplicate names changes to the status... -
Plant Names Database Quarterly Changes December 2023
Summary data on changes to data in the Plant Names Database in the following classes: the addition of new names for formal deprecation of duplicate names changes to the status...