Native and non-native plant richness and cover per indigenous forest types 2009-14
Tables supporting the analysis in manuscript named: Low richness of non-native plants in New Zealand indigenous forests may not reflect low impact. The table was generated by... -
Upper Taiari Scroll Plain - Wetland Vegetation Survey 2023
Data from the wetland vegetation survey of the Upper Taiari Scroll Plain. This vegetation survey was carried out for the Otago Regional Council to gain a fuller picture of the... -
Biotic interactions among temperate rainforest trees
Data to support the publication by Hao Ran Lai and others, which analysed tree diameter growth of six focal tree species as a function of neighbour densities and climate, while... -
Manuka-Kanuka shrublands vegetation survey with associated climate and...
Tables supporting the analysis in: Rossignaud, L., & Hulme, P. E. (2023). Native vegetation structure, landscape features and climate shape non-native plant richness and... -
Forest vegetation survey and adjacent land cover across spatial scales 2002-2007
Tables supporting the analysis in: Rossignaud, L., Kimberley, M. O., Kelly, D., Fei, S., Brockerhoff, E. G. (2022). Effects of competition and habitat heterogeneity on native-... -
Gravel Beach Plant Community Structure
These data support the following publication: Arnst, E. et al. 2021. Resource competition, not facilitation, structures gravel beach plant communities. Journal of Vegetation... -
Waitutu SORTIE-NZ 2001-2008
Data supporting Forsyth DM, Wilson DJ, Easdale TA, Kunstler G, Canham CD, Ruscoe WA, Wright EF, Murphy L, Gormley AM, Gaxiola A, Coomes DA. Century-scale effects of invasive... -
Post-fire succession in Arthur's Pass
These data were compiled and published in Burge et al (2020) that describes vegetation succession over time in Arthur's Pass, New Zealand. The data include relative frequency... -
Grassland Vegetation of Banks Peninsula as in Bernard-Verdier & Hulme 2018
Dataset used in Bernard-Verdier & Hulme, Journal of Ecology, 2018 This dataset corresponds to the vegetation and environmental data used by Bernard-Verdier & Hulme in a... -
Data - Biases in the metabarcoding of plant pathogens
We investigated and analysed the causes of differences between next-generation sequencing metabarcoding approaches and traditional DNA cloning in the detection and... -
New Zealand Forest Plot data in Global Forest Biodiversity dataset
Summarised data from two consecutive forest inventories of permanent sample plots located throughout New Zealand. These data are part of the Global Forest Biodiversity dataset... -
LUCAS natural forest plot-level biomass and ecosystem driver data
Plot-level biomass and ecosystem driver data as used in the following analysis: Holdaway RJ, Easdale T, Carswell FE, Richardson SJ, Peltzer DA, Mason NWH, Brandon A, Coomes DA.... -
New Zealand Bark Thickness 2015
We measured the bark thickness of 82 New Zealand tree species and tested whether variation in bark thickness was related to variation in other plant traits and whether... -
Hopkins Huxley seedling growth data
We used a factorial experiment to test whether the influence of deer browse on seedling performance was greater in canopy gaps, relative to undisturbed forest. The experiment... -
Multimodal size distributions in spatially-structured populations
Data supporting the paper: Asymmetric competition causes multimodal size distributions in spatially structured populations. Jorge Velázquez, Robert B. Allen, David A. Coomes,... -
Root, stem, and leaf traits and relationships with soil nutrients
Plant trait variation - we sampled forest composition at local and national scales in New Zealand rain forests and matched composition to trait values and soil chemistry. The... -
Allometric power laws in NZ mountain beech forests
Using above-ground biomass to measure the biomass of individual trees, we tested three power laws (Taylor's law; density-mass allometry; and variance-mass allometry) using 10... -
Puketi Forest 2011 Trait variation along a toposequence
Trait variation along a toposequence - we sampled forest composition along a toposequence in permanent plots and matched composition to trait values and soil chemistry. The data... -
Biodiversity Uncertainty
Data and R scripts used in paper: Mason NWH, Holdaway RJ, Richardson SJ. Incorporating measurement error in testing for changes in biodiversity. Methods Ecol Evol.... -
National Vegetation Survey (NVS) databank
The New Zealand National Vegetation Survey (NVS) databank is a world–leading repository for New Zealand’s plot–based vegetation data describing plant species occurrence and...