New Zealand wetland prokaryote 16S metabarcoding
Data from: Wood JR, Burge OR, Bolstridge N, Bonner K, Clarkson B, Cole TL, Davis C, Fergus A, King P, McKeown M, Morse C, Richardson SJ, Robertson H, Wilmshurst JM (In press)... -
Makiola et al DNA metabarcoding sequence data
Raw DNA metabarcoding sequence files from Makiola et al.Land use is a determinant of plant pathogen alpha- but not beta-diversity. Mol Ecol. 2019; 28: 3786– 3798.... -
18S DNA metabarcoding of Atacama rodent middens
Unassembled .fastq files of paired-end reads used in: Wood et al. (2018) Plant pathogen responses to Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in central Atacama Desert,... -
Dataset from "Comparing diversity of fungi from living leaves using...
Supplementary data from Mycologia 109: 643-654, 2017 (DOI 10.1080/00275514.2017.1384712), together with additional unpublished data from Fuscopora truncata leaves from the Hunua... -
Next Generation Biodiversity Assessment Phase I
Bioinformatic pipeline, analysis and DNA dataset relating to the publication: Wood, J. R., R. J. Holdaway, K. H. Orwin, C. Morse, K. I. Bonner, C. Davis, N. Bolstridge, and I....