Rat Population Parameter Data Sources
Result of PRJ3132 FY23 SSIF Rat Database. This project aimed to compile a list of potential data sources for parameterising a rat population model. The focus was on density... -
Orongorongo Valley ship rat captures in cage traps 2003-2004
Spatially-explicit capture-recapture data of ship rats in the Orongorongo Valley, on three 5-day capture sessions, at six locations in 2003 and three locations in 2004. These... -
Data associated with Invasive urban mammalian predators: distribution and...
Invasive mammalian predator detection data in urban habitats, supporting the paper "Miller, K.F.; Wilson, D.J.; Innes, J. G.; Fitzgerald, N.B., Miller, P.; van Heezik, Y. 2022.... -
Capture-recapture of ship rat (Rattus rattus) in North Island, New Zealand
This database contains spatial capture-recapture data for ship rat (Rattus rattus) and vegetation survey data at three sites in North Island, New Zealand: Orongorongo Valley... -
Rodent review datasets
This dataset contains the databases (csv format) on the population and spatial ecology of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), and house mice (Mus...