Metadata for 'adult_tree_growth_survival.csv' Live tree growth data measured following standardized methods (Hurst and Allen 2007) and extracted from the NVS database ( The data comprises a number of projects/surveys and was used to parameterize tree growth for Marine terraces (Kunstler et al. 2009 Journal of Ecology 97:685-695). Column header abbreviations and data codes are as follows: 'project_plot_year': identifying code for the project, plot and year. 'project': survey area where the plot is located. 'plot': plot identifier. 'tree_tag': tree identifier. 'species': species code; described in Table A1 of of Appendix B (Fortsyth et al. 2015). 'transect': name of the transect. 'dbh1_mm': diameter at breast height (in mm) for year 1. 'dbh2_mm': diameter at breast height (in mm) for year 2. 'year_1': year of first measurment. 'year_2': year of second measurment. 'altitude': altitude of the plot (in m asl). 'plot_area': area of the plot (in m^2). Hurst JM, Allen RB 2007. A permanent plot method for monitoring indigenous forests: field protocols. Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research. Kunstler G, Coomes DA, Canham CD 2009. Size-dependence of growth and mortality influence the shade tolerance of trees in a lowland temperate rain forest. Journal of Ecology 97: 685-695.