Metadata for 'sapling_alluvial_marine_allom_growth.csv' Data sourced from live tree saplings sampled from alluvial and marine terraces at Waitutu Forest, New Zealand, for an analysis of stem growth (Coomes et al. 2009 Journal of Ecology 97:705-717). Column header abbreviations and data codes are as follows: 'species': species code; described in Table B1 of Appendix B (Forsyth et al. 2015). 'growth': 5-year average radial growth (in µm/year). 'D10_1_mm': sapling basal diameter (in mm), measured at 10 cm from the ground. 'D10_2_mm': sapling basal diameter (in mm) orthogonal to 'D10_1_mm', measured at 10 cm from the ground. 'terrace': either young alluvial ('A'), marine terrace 2 ('T2'), marine terrace 3 ('T3'), marine terrace 4 ('T4'), marine terrace 6 ('T6'), clearing in the alluvial ('peanut') 'N': leaf Nitrogen concentration in µg/g 'P': leaf Phosphorous concentration in µg/g 'gla': light (% of full sun) 'dbh_1_mm': diameter at breast height (in mm), measured with calliper at 1.35 from the ground 'dbh_2_mm': diameter at breast height (in mm), measured at 1.35 from the ground as an orthogonal to 'dbh1_mm' 'H_cm': sapling height (in cm). 'Hcrownbase_cm': height of crown base (in cm). 'crownw1_cm': crown width (in cm) 'crownw2_cm': crown width (in cm), measured as an orthogonal to 'crownw1_cm'