New Zealand Environmental Data Stack (NZEnvDS)

A standardised collection of environmental spatial layers for biodiversity modelling and site characterisation.

These spatial layers were published in: McCarthy, J. K., Leathwick, J. R., Roudier, P., Barringer, J. R. F., Etherington, T. R., Morgan, F. J., Odgers, N. P., Price, R. H., Wiser, S. K., Richardson, S. J. (2021) New Zealand Environmental Data Stack (NZEnvDS): A standardised collection of environmental spatial layers for biodiversity modelling and site characterisation. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(2): 3440

These layers can also be downloaded from LRIS:

Version 1.1

We were advised of an problem with the alignment of the NZTM layers that was caused by an issue with the way the “raster” R-package reprojects spatial layers. This resulted in the NZTM layers being shifted about 200 m south from their intended location. We have corrected this in Version 1.1 of the data by using the replacement for the “raster” R package (“terra”) to perform the reprojections from NZMG to NZTM. The updated scripts used to reproject the layers and updated NZTM layers are included in this version of the data. The NZMG layers are also included, and the scripts used to generate them, but they remain unchanged from Version 1.0.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Publisher Landcare Research NZ Ltd
Publication Year 2021
  1. McCarthy, James
  2. Leathwick, John
  3. Roudier, Pierre
  4. Barringer, James
  5. Etherington, Tom
  6. Morgan, Fraser
  7. Odgers, Nathan
  8. Price, Robbie
  9. Wiser, Susan
  10. Richardson, Sarah
Maintainer James McCarthy
Version 1.1
Licenses CC-BY 4.0 (Attribution)