Arnst, E.A. et al. Resource competition, not facilitation, structures gravel beach plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. Description of data files 1. Observational survey of Tangoio -Species observed in quadrats Quadrat: Name of the quadrat – amalgamation of the site name, transect number and quadrat number. SpeciesCode: Six letter species code (first three letters of the genus and first three letters of the species) following Hurst and Allen (2007). Cover: Modified Braun-Blanquet cover score, following Hurst and Allen (2007). 2. Observational survey of Birdlings Flat a. Species observed in quadrats Quadrat: Name of the quadrat – amalgamation of the site name, transect number and quadrat number. SpeciesCode: Six letter species code (first three letters of the genus and first three letters of the species) following Hurst and Allen (2007). Cover: Modified Braun-Blanquet cover score, following Hurst and Allen (2007). b. Site characteristics measured in quadrats Quadrat: Name of the quadrat – amalgamation of the site name, transect number and High tide: Distance (m) from the high tide mark Max veg height: Height (cm) of the tallest plant Mean part size: The mean particle size (mm) Depth to fines: Depth (cm) to particles < 2 mm in diameter Volume stones: Proportion of stones (2 mm to 256 mm diameter) in a subsample of the top 10 cm of substrate Volume sand: Proportion of sand (< 2 mm diameter) in a subsample of the top 10 cm of substrate 3. Exotic facilitation experiment at Tangoio -Survival of shrub seedlings planted in three experimental treatments Treatment: Treatment applied to the quadrat – Gazania plants left; Gazania plants removed; or bare gravel. Species: Species of shrub planted Transect: Name of the transect DistOrig: Distance (m) from the transect origin GazCount10: Count of the number of individual Gazania plants in a quadrat in 2010 (prior to treatments being applied) GazCover10: Percentage cover Gazania plants in a quadrat in 2010 (prior to treatments being applied) GazCount12: Count of the number of individual Gazania plants in a quadrat in 2012 GazCover12: Percentage cover Gazania plants in a quadrat in 2012 Alive2010: Number of shrub species alive in each quadrat in 2010 (i.e. the number planted) Alive2011: Number of shrub species alive in each quadrat in 2011 Alive2012: Number of shrub species alive in each quadrat in 2012 4. Native facilitation experiment at Birdlings Flat -Survival of shrub seedlings planted in factorial experiment Pair: Number of the paired shrub/gravel site Cover: Whether the seedling was planted under a shrub or in bare gravel ShrubHeight: The maximum height of the nurse shrub (if applicable, zero if bare gravel) SeedlingSpecies: The species of the shrub seedling being planted MeanPartSize: The mean particle size (mm) DepthFines: Depth (cm) to particles < 2 mm in diameter DistSea: Distance (m) from the high tide mark Treatment: The treatment applied – application of fertileer; water; both water and fertiliser; or no treatment Mortality: The state (Alive or Dead) of the shrub seedling at the end of the experiment Hurst, J. & Allen, R. 2007. A permanent plot method for monitoring indigenous forests: field protocols, Landcare Research New Zealand.